Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

My Neck of the Woods

It struck me last week, when Bruno asked me to send him photos of my home on the farm, that I’d never even taken any photos, let alone post them online to show family and friends.  So, I had a mini photo session the other day, and wanted to give you all a glimpse of my cottage and backyard.
This is my backyard.  Well, it’s not MINE, it’s my lovely neighbors’, but it’s the yard my cottage is on and it’s the yard I use for my reading, swimming, and general nature merriment.

Here is the Conradies’ (my neighbors) garden; stocked full of every vegetable imaginable, as well as papaya trees and strawberry patches.  I’m in vegetarian heaven!

Here is the outside of my cottage, as well as the vehicle I use here in Zimbabwe.

And now the inside of my home.  First up, my bedroom.  That’s a mosquito net draped over my bed.  It’s mosquito season now, and besides the fact that they can be malarial, it’s just bloody annoying to hear that buzzing sound in the middle of the night.  Best to be avoided!
Bathroom, off of the bedroom.  Notice no shower.  I’ve gotten used to it, though, and have come to look forward to my evening bath, as long as the water is hot (which is not always the case!)

My living room and dining room.  The furniture is very rustic and simple, as most of it was kindly donated by peple on the farm.  I did, however, get to choose my own curtains – notice that I managed to find a color identical to the jacaranda…. I told you I was obsessed!

Another view of the living room, with Monk!  A map of Zimbabwe, a handmade sofa, and matching jacaranda-colored pillows.  I could be a budget designer! (The door leads to my room and bathroom).

Last but certainly not least, zee kitchen.  Door on the left is the front door to the cottage.

Well, that’s my humble abode!  Hope you enjoyed the virtual tour!

  • Mandee - Britt! Cute place 🙂 You did a lot more than what I would be capable of! HAHAReplyCancel