Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

A Day in the Life of Sammy the Cat

Things with Sammy are going well. He is a great kitty – playful, affectionate, a great cuddler, sweet. He has great appetite and has even grown a bit of a belly. What a difference from November! He also has his best friend and playmate, Pepe (better known as Pepe le Piew), Muna’s Chihuahua. They play almost everyday, sometimes so much that they fall asleep beside each other afterwards.
Last month he started losing his teeth, which puts him at around 5 months old. He also started to get a bit meowy and moody so this past weekend he was castrated.It was actually a really difficult thing to do because I brought him to the vet, signed a release form, said goodbye to him for the day, WORRIED about him all day, picked him up and saw how different and pitiful he felt. And now I’ve nursed him back to health for two days. Only 3 more to go until I can remove the silly cone around his head. Anyway, hopefully he will be more content and calm. My boy is growing up!