Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

Let the New School Year Begin!

In April, I taught a summer school camp at Sarasas Ektra called “Wheels Ahead”. I had a class of 9 students in grades 3 and 4 and I taught them for 3 hours a day about sea animals, boats, sea legends, and other nautical things. I had so much fun with that age group – the innocence, the unconditional love, the fun games and activities – I decided that I wanted to teach younger children this semester at school. I really, really wanted to, but my boss said that it is harder to fill the position of a 7th grade teacher, and that since he has it filled with ME, he’s not letting me leave that position until my contract is finished.
So last week, I was back in Secondary, preparing for the schoolyear to start. Not my ideal position or situation, and I was quite bummed, but I’ve decided to make the best of it. Perhaps last year it was so difficult because I came in halfway through the year and the previous teacher hadn’t disciplined them very well. So on Thursday when my students arrived, I was very firm and strict. I decided not to try to win any popularity contests, but instead, lay out my rules and FORCE the kids to obey them. Maybe if I am firm for a month or so, I will slowly be able to relax my demeanor thereafter. Any advice or ideas?
Let the new school year begin!