Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

Category Archives: Asia

Bruno spent two weeks driving through Iran in order to reunite with me in Turkey. Though his time was short – and primarily transit rather than travel – he managed to take a few photos of Iran that give us not lucky enough to have visited a glimpse into its culture, architecture, landscape, and people. Enjoy!

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Over the past three months, we have felt nothing but warmth, hospitality, and safety on the Arabian Peninsula – surprising if you follow Western media-created perceptions of this region of the world. As I depart for Turkey, and Bruno for Iran, all we can say is shukran (thank you) Arabia, for teaching us the truth about your culture.

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On the eastern edge of the Arabian Peninsula, a pointed tip extends like the horn of a rhino. And on this tip, surrounded by the United Arab Emirates and the Strait of Hormuz and with a view of Iran on a clear day, is a tiny enclave of Oman – the Musandam Peninsula. It is here that one can experience the fjords of Arabia. We did so, from road, mountaintop, and sea.

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