Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

My Little Kitties

Monk is fitting in well at home, and he has made Sammy such an excellent cat. Before, Sammy’s faults were that he meowed a lot and that he got a bit too excited when he played with me that he’d bite a bit too hard. Now, problem solved! He doesn’t meow (except right before his meal) and he hasn’t bitten me in over a month!

Instead, he and Monk have become so cute, and I know they are brothers. They play a LOT, but very nicely most of the time. They sleep beside me in bed, take naps beside each other, and give each other baths with their tongues.
Monk is fitting in quite well here, and is overall a great cat. His only problem right now is that he is as chatty now as Sammy was back in the day, but I assume that it will soon pass.
He had his first shot last week, and will have a few more over the next few weeks. He’s a little behind schedule, as he’s already 5 months old (he was about 3.5 when we got him), so we’re trying to catch up fast so that he can get himself fixed before he starts spraying the couch! Anyone know when, roughly, that happens?