I’ve been interviewed on a podcast series called “Grounded Nomads” on the Nomadtopia Podcast. It covers our decision to rent a house in Osoyoos, British Columbia, how we are settling into our lives here, our plans for the future, and how the Covid-19 uncertainty has impacted our life and travel outlook. Hope you can check it out!
Les Brown - Well, after a month of relatively mindless isolation on the 4th. floor, (one trip to Costco and two to Sobeys) I decided it was time to get up to date with you folks. It was three blogs and a ton of beautiful pictures. and next I will do them all again with Leonie as she is now allowed to visit here. They call it a 2 family bubble.? I’m sure you know we are fortunate here in New Brunswick with very little virus cases. I envy your time in Osoyus, it is such a beautiful place with so much for Phoenix to explore. I am sorry to hear you will end the long running blog. Maybe you will have a change of heart on that one. We are healthy and doing fine here and will soon be able to get out in the car to explore the beautiful green of a New Brunswick spring.
Stay well and enjoy your time in Osoyus. Love you all. Grampa
Louise - Finally got to it! A great follow up to your first podcast! For me it helped fill in some of the blanks. Keep it up.Love it.