I seem to have lost the urge to write in my blog. Perhaps it is because my experience in Thailand has been so different than my time in Nepal. In Kathmandu, I was free to wander the streets, ponder the culture, explore the people and places. In Thailand, it seems that most of what I do is work and recover from working. It is true, teachers are overworked and underpaid.
Alas, many people told me recently that they read my blog religiously (which doesn’t amount to much these days). I suppose I thought that I had lost my audience some time ago, so there wasn’t much point in writing. Now that I know that there are, in fact, quite a few readers, I suppose I should try to be a little bit more dedicated.
Another impediment to my writing is that I really like to include photos with my blogs, but I never seem to have any anymore. My camera has gone downhill and no longer takes the photos it used to. When I do actually take photos, it takes me quite a long time to upload them onto the computer.
Anyway, enough excuses. Here are some recent photos that I DO have:
This first photo is a photo of the entire secondary staff. Don’t we all look so professional? School is very busy right now. We only have two more weeks of class, one week of revision, one week of exams, and then I have to mark the exams and enter all my grades. So class is coming to a head and there are tons of last minute assessment and grades to get into the book.
I am also quite busy with the musical right now. The grade 7, 8 and 9 students are putting on a production of “The Wiz” at the beginning of October. I am the dance choreographer and, so far, I have choreographed 6 dances and I’ve got just one left. They all look pretty sloppy at the moment, but at least we’re having fun, right? I’ll try to get some photos of our production.
I also finally have a few, albeit crappy, photos of my new apartment. It’s a great, HUGE place! Two bedrooms, inspiring kitchen, good view off the balcony. More photos to come…