Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

Mero gharko photoharu (photos of my house)

My house! (we live on the first floor only)

My bed

My desk

A view from my window

Our kitchen

Our living room – I don’t spend much time here, though, cuz this is where the TV is (and thus inevitably, Nepali or Hindi TV is playing at almost all waking hours)

Self-explanatory, I think

Thulo Bhauju’s room – Gita also sleeps there and Jyoti’s tutoring takes place on this floor

Dada and Sampada’s room – also where the internet connection is and where I am sitting right now.

Ama’s room – also where Jyoti and Aartee sleep
Our backyard and our garden

A back-side view of our house