Kali is so excited with her new kitchen set AND her great day at the zoo!

Remember a girl named Kali that I talked about in my blog back in December/January? She is the daughter of Muna’s helper at home. I really like her a lot, and I also feel really sad about her life. Her mom is too busy working around the house and taking care of her really demanding baby to pay much attention to Kali. So, I decided to take her to the zoo on Sunday. First I went to Muna’s family’s home and spent some time with her parents. We chatted, ate daal bhaat, looked at pictures… At about 1pm, Kali and I left the house. I don’t think she even knew what was going on, nor did she know what a zoo was. She was in for quite the surprise!
Anyway, Kali was so excited at everything around her. She was looking at her city as though it was the first time she’d ever seen it – that made me remember that Kali has hardly even left the confines of her own home.
It took us about 45 minutes to get to the zoo, but Kali was entertained looking at people the entire time. When we got to the zoo and started looking at the animals, she seemed a little confused at first. She seemed a little scared of them, but also more interested in all the other children she was seeing. But she soon adjusted and was really enjoying looking at the monkeys, birds, and hippos.
We spent at least 4 hours at the zoo. We ate ice cream and chips, played on the playground (which she was so confused by at first but quickly grew to LOVE the slides), went on a mini train ride, and looked at all the animals. We also went into a toy shop and looked at all the great toys. She chose a mini backpack filled with a toy kitchen set, and she proudly walked around with it over her shoulder. We also befriended a few girls who thought she was so adorable, and Kali was so happy to be center of attention for the first time in her life.
It was a tiring day for me because I often had to hold the little one in my arms, and the sun was very, very hot. But it also felt SO good to make Kali happy and take her out for a day that I hope she will remember for a long time to come.