Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

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  • Welcome to Wandering Footsteps, the travel journal of a nomadic family on an overland trip around the world. With thirty years of travel experience, a round-the-world trip already under our belt, a newly-converted bus, and a new baby in tow, this journey is bound to be interesting! Join us in our global wanderings - we've saved an extra seat just for you!

    - Brittany, Bruno, and Phoenix

Bruno is emphatically anti-city. Even as a child, he’d get headaches whenever his mom dragged him to Paris. So what was it about this trip and this city that softened my city-hating husband’s heart? You’ll just have to read on until the end of the post to find out!

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  • Louise Jones-Takata - Well done B & B. It was truly a pleasure to have you in my city and home!ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - The pleasure was absolutely all ours, and as you see, the memories we created will truly last a lifetime! xox and thank you again for everything.ReplyCancel

  • Rcs - Like Mom, I hung on to every word, phrase and sentence of this fun recollection of your NY stay. I felt I was there with you and Bruno.
    I’m certain Louise will enjoy your ability to capture in words this great trip and experience.
    Yeah, Bruno…ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - Very glad you enjoyed it! Did it make you want to visit NYC?ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth S. - What a wonderful acoount of your whirlwind four days in NYC! So glad that Bruno enjoyed himself to the extent he did. Marvelous photos that put my June photos to shame. Thank you for sharing; it’s been a long wait to hear the details of your trip.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - Glad you enjoyed it! I figured you would, and wrote with you in mind.ReplyCancel

This month we did more air miles than road miles – from Toronto to New York and onward to France. It was a month of celebration – celebrating holidays, birthdays, and introductions. And, best of all, it was a month with a great success – Bruno obtained his B1/B2 multiple entry US visa!

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  • Elizabeth S. - Evev though this post as well as others in the past months are.not about overlanding, I love reading about all the gatherings you’ve been a part of. The photos bring the stories to life. We loved our Thanksgiving weekend with you too!ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - Enjoy the “community-centered” posts now because we’ll soon be back on the road again and writing about culture, history, and experiences in new places! 🙂ReplyCancel

The past month hasn’t been all about family and friends; in fact, quite a lot of our time has been passed in offices, garages, dealerships and internet cafés. We’ve been searching for a camper van in Canada – and it’s been more challenging than we’d initially expected. Read on to find out the process we’ve gone through in order NOT to find a camper van in Canada!

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  • phil & angie - hi guys !
    well what a chore !
    Of course part of the problem is you are starting from a point of owning a truly remarkable vehicle already !
    The ‘fuso’ as you will no doubt be aware does come as a 4×4.
    these guys : Don & Kim Greene
    used and wrote this book : https://www.amazon.com/Americas-Overland-Handbook-Donald-Greene/dp/0557007127

    probably contact them through ’99daystopanama’ yahoo group

    we are now at ‘bushbaby’ near Umfolozi.
    slow moving but all very good.

    love you both.

    • Brittany - Thanks for the info guys, you da best! We’re now leaning more to the minibus, but you never know… We would def love a Fuso 4×4 but didn’t find one at all in Canada. We’ll look into the book, Yahoo group, and email address you sent this morning.

      Nearby Umfolozi is where I saw my first leopard ever (if my memory serves me correctly). Amazing! Much love to you both.ReplyCancel

  • Alain - No salt in California, and we’ll give you a bedroom or driveway to stay while you find your perfect next house! We’re in the Bay Area.

    • Brittany - Wow, that’s quite an amazing offer! Really appreciate it! 🙂 Any good vehicles in the Bay Area?ReplyCancel

      • Alain - We’re going the popup truckcamper route, so I don’t know about other types. If you’re interested stay in touch or email us!

  • Nikos&Georgia - Having a Toyota is always the best bet in terms of spares & parts availability. Ford does not have the best reputation after Mexico, especially for the new ones.
    If I were you, I would put all the money to convert the LandCruiser as per my needs. Apart from a great engine, its a great chassis for a decent conversion. And it’s so nice to travel with your very own home registered vehicle all around the world!!!!!!!

    Love you


    • Brittany - Wish we could! In fact, we even considered re-doing the engine and pulling a little caravan, but the problem is that the vehicle is registered for maximum two places, and we really hope we’ll need more soon. 🙂 Anyway, the decision is made and we are at peace with it, just that now there’s a lot of work to do before we can truly get back on the road again!ReplyCancel

I’ve started a new series on the blog called the Monthly Wrap-up. In it, you’ll learn the number of kilometers we’ve driven, what we’ve been up to this month, a description and map of our exact route, noteworthy camping spots, a few highlights, what we expect the next month to hold for us

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  • Rachel et Mathieu - Salut Courtney et Bruno!!

    Nous sommes heureux de vous savoir à nouveau sur la route à découvrir les paysages de notre pays. Nous pensons à vous très souvent et ca nous permet de rester motivé vers l’atteinte de notre objectif de prendre la route en janvier. Nous n’avons pas encore trouvé le véhicle dans lequel on se sentirait comfortable de vivre à 4 jusqu’en Amérique du Sud….mais on cherche activement. Avez vous une idée de ce que vous chercher pour remplacer le “Petit prince” ? Nous aimerions un juste milieu entre le petit motorisé style 20 pieds et un camion 4×4…en plus, pas trop cher. Vraiment pas facile à trouver surtout au Canada.
    Nous focusons nos efforts à vendre la maison en ce moment. Grosse étape importante pour se tourner vers un style de vie plus simple et moins remplie de trop de “choses”.
    De plus, avec la planification du voyage, viens la remise en question, les doutes, etc. Parfois je me dis qu’avec les enfants, peut-être devrions nous laisser faire l’Amérique du Sud et seulement faire le tour de l’Amérique centrale et du Nord?? Le Darian gap prend beaucoup de place dans la planif du voyage, choix du véhicle, etc. Est-ce que ca vaut le coût, vous qui l’avez vécu? Nous explorons aussi l’option de laisser notre motorisé au Panama et aller en Amérique du Sud en sac à dos et louer des endroits où coucher d’un endroit à l’autre et prendre les transports en commun…. Comment faites vous pour arriver à une décision dans ces moments là?

    J’imagine que ca fait partie de l’aventure…

    Tellement le fun de vous lire…surtout après vous avoir rencontré en personne! Enjoyez NYC et bon voyage en France dans la famille à Bruno!

    Rachel et MathieuReplyCancel

    • Brittany - Salut Rachel, Mathieu, et enfants! On pense souvent a vous et sommes desoles de ne pas avoir pu vous rejoindre sur votre gazebo avec un verre de vin debut septembre, mais comme prevu on a quitte le 2…
      Nous avons egalement des soucis a trouver un nouveau vehicule au Canada. Pour nous c’est surtout un problem de rouille. Sinon on est maintenant interesse dans un minibus ou un petit camion leger style “Fuso”… dans les deux cas nous amenagerons nous memes. Je crois pas que vous avez le temps pour cela et preferez quelque chose de pret? Bruno est tombe sur quelque chose qui pourrait vous interesser. Je vous passerai le lien.
      Les questions et hesitations sont normales, vous faites un pas qui n’est pas facile a faire et la majorite ne le feront jamais. Continuez!! Vous etes fais pour le voyage, on le sait deja et vous a connu que quelques heures!
      Et la decision pour l’amerique du sud, Darian Gap, etc…. comment on fait? On decide toujours sur le moment. Les plans changent toujours donc c’est meme pas le peine de les faire! Mais quant a Bruno et moi, notre conseil serait de rester dans le continent nord americain. Deja un super premier voyage, moins complique, moins cher, moins fatiguant pour tout le monde… surtout si votre but est de passer du temps en famille!
      Bonne chance et je vous envoie un mail tout de suite. Desole pour mon mauvais francais ecrit!! 🙂ReplyCancel