In this post, we answer transportation questions pertaining to overland travel: what documents and objects you require to drive in a foreign country, why you need a carnet de passage en douane, how to transport a vehicle on a container ship or a ferry, and what to expect when driving in different countries.
Champa Soma - Would love to hear about your travels.
many thanks
Brittany - Thank you, Champa, for the comment and for expressing interest in hearing about our travels. We’re getting geared up now to hit the road again, so if you follow this blog, you’ll stay up-to-date with all our travels! May I suggest adding your email to our list of subscribers on the right side of the page and/or “liking” our Facebook page? That way, you’ll always know when a new post comes out!
Thanks a bunch for your interest, feel free to write anytime!
Geoff Kingsmill - Great web site.
Brittany - Thank you Geoff! Where’d you find the website? What type of overland adventure are you on? We’re always interested in hearing the stories of others!
phil and angie - superb blog entry.
Concisely written, easily understood, thorough explanations.
Highly recommend anyone considering a travelling adventure to read this.
Beginners guide to all those ” but how …. ? ” questions.
Thanks Brittany & Bruno for being out there!
Brittany - Thank you for your support, Phil and Angie! If you think of any other common questions you get that I haven’t answered here, please feel free to let me know and I’ll add them into the entry. I’d like this to be as complete as possible! 🙂