Bet you didn’t expect to receiving an email from Wandering Footsteps in your inbox! I know I told you all I was retiring my blog (and I am, at least for now), but I wanted to share with you all a recent podcast interview that I gave that you may find interesting.
The podcast series is called “Grounded Nomads” and it is part of the Nomadtopia Podcast, which interviews nomads of all types to get insight into all the different ways you can create a location-independent lifestyle. I was actually interviewed on this podcast a few years back.
The “Grounded Nomads” series is all about how different nomads have been dealing with the current global pandemic, and all the travel uncertainty that has come with it – which is a particular type of challenge for us nomads! My episode covers our decision to rent a house in Osoyoos, British Columbia, how we are settling into our lives here, our plans for the future, and how the Covid-19 uncertainty has impacted our life and travel outlook.
You can check out the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher. Hope you enjoy!
Les Brown - Well, after a month of relatively mindless isolation on the 4th. floor, (one trip to Costco and two to Sobeys) I decided it was time to get up to date with you folks. It was three blogs and a ton of beautiful pictures. and next I will do them all again with Leonie as she is now allowed to visit here. They call it a 2 family bubble.? I’m sure you know we are fortunate here in New Brunswick with very little virus cases. I envy your time in Osoyus, it is such a beautiful place with so much for Phoenix to explore. I am sorry to hear you will end the long running blog. Maybe you will have a change of heart on that one. We are healthy and doing fine here and will soon be able to get out in the car to explore the beautiful green of a New Brunswick spring.
Stay well and enjoy your time in Osoyus. Love you all. Grampa
Louise - Finally got to it! A great follow up to your first podcast! For me it helped fill in some of the blanks. Keep it up.Love it.