Twelve nights, five different beds, five visits with family and friends, a thousand kilometers of driving. Bookmarked with international flights, complete with time-zone changes, and all accomplished with the presence of a toddler.
It was a pretty ambitious trip, if I do say so myself.

The boys catch some zzzzs on the airplane to Florida.
The idea of our Florida trip was birthed last summer, during a visit with my aunt Louise to the majestic Mohonk Mountain House in New York State. “Florida is on the way to France,” Bruno told had her. “We’ll just give ourselves a layover in Miami and pop in for a visit to your winter home.”
That fall, while failing to coordinate a meetup on the Gulf Coast with my oldest childhood friend, Nanette – who has a boy six months older than Phoenix – I mentioned we’d try to be in Florida on our way to France and swing by for a visit instead.
Then, I thought of my high school best friend, Lizzy, who now leaves near Tampa. I hadn’t seen in eight years nor met her two kids. So, I committed to another visit.
Under a canopy of live oaks in Vero Beach, Florida.

Phoenix playing in the sand at the beach for the first time!

Gotta love Florida beaches.
Then, I remembered that my aunt and uncle winter in Florida, and found out that my cousin would be there in April with her hubby. And then, I found out that another childhood friend would be in Florida the same week as us, with her father and newborn baby, in their family winter home. So, I committed to another couple visits. They were along our route, after all.
Before I knew it, we had one helluva road trip planned.
Despite the fact that we live in a bus and travel overland full-time, we hadn’t ever done a traditional road trip with a baby (or even as a couple, I might add). Our traveling lives very rarely involve set itineraries, and they never involve lugging around suitcases and moving into and out of sleeping quarters every few days. This was definitely a new experience!
The first thing we noticed is that, unlike our pre-baby days, we no longer travel light. We had to visualize prior to packing, how we would actually carry all our luggage – I could manage a backpack, my purse, Bruno’s laptop, the stroller, and the toddler, and Bruno would have a backpack, Phoenix’ travel crib (which is also a backpack), and two rolling suitcases (poor guy). I was very relieved to find out we could carry a small piece of luggage for Phoenix without extra charge, as I have no clue how I would have packed that travel crib into a suitcase with all the rest of the stuff we were lugging for him.

Unpacking for the night at an Air BnB in Miami, only to pack up again the next morning!

Poor Bruno!
What, exactly? Well, besides the bed (which was a godsend, allowing him to transition from one new place to the next without feeling unfamiliarity at bedtime), we brought 24 reusable diapers, his foldable high chair, and his potty. Yes, we packed all those large items into a suitcase, and still managed to bring toys, books, and clothes! Oh, and of course, a gigantic backpack full of food for our flights (this is me we are talking about, after all! We could just barely carry all our luggage, which was essential, because later in our trip we’d have to transfer from the Barcelona airport to the train station via the metro.
We’d booked an Air BnB in Miami because we were arriving at 5:30pm and had to pick up a rental car. Had we been alone, we could have driven all the way to Vero Beach that evening (though my aunt Louise might not have appreciated the late arrival!). But we knew we’d have a tired baby on our hands (he slept once for about an hour in my arms during the flight from Mexico City to Miami). We’d actually also booked an Air BnB near the Mexico City airport the night before our midday flight, as it was a 50km ride from our campground to the airport which, in Mexico City traffic, can take as much as three hours! One thing I can say is that convenient travel with a toddler sure is pricey!
So, how was Phoenix during our road trip? Well, our car was very comfortable and easy to drive, so we made good time (relative to our bus, anyway!). And, we timed our drives for his nap times (something we do in our bus, too) so that we could drive for longer periods without him getting bored or fussy. So, the drives themselves were pretty easy. The only issue, truly, was finding good places to stop for diaper changes, snacks, and meals. In the bus, we have everything we need, so I had forgotten the perpetual search for picnic tables and bathrooms that is a regular road trip!

Breakfast on the ground in the Air BnB we rented near Tampa – we ate where we could!

Phoenix having a blast on our road trip.

Phoenix having a blast with new friends.

Could this guy get any happier, really?!?
We figured the drives would be a cinch, but we had assumed Phoenix would have a tough time adjusting to all the new people and spaces. After all, when we moved into our rental home in Cuernavaca, Mexico, he wouldn’t let us put him down on the ground at all the first day, and he cried himself to sleep for the first few days.
It was probably great that we took Phoenix out of his comfort zone a couple months before our Florida trip, because he was an absolute gem. He took each new person in stride and explored each new home with gusto. Not only that, but he fell asleep each and every time in each new bedroom without so much as a peep. I attribute a lot of that to having his familiar travel crib with him (he’d slept in it for 7 weeks in Cuernavaca), but we were nonetheless totally amazed. It turns out that Phoenix is an incredibly well-adjusted, flexible toddler!
It was a lot of fun seeing our baby boy interact with dear family and friends. In our regular lifestyle, Phoenix simply doesn’t have that much chance to socialize. The first babies he’d ever “played” with were 14-month old twins that we met in a campground, a mere ten days before our trip, and he’d been terrified of them for the first half-hour (until we brought out the toys, that is!).
In Florida, he played with a few different toddlers (and four different dogs, no joke), and it was heart-warming to see. In Tampa, he spent an afternoon at the park with Lizzy’s almost-two year old, which also happened to be his first time playing at the park! He took to it like fish to water, climbing up steps and slides and walking (with me) high above the ground.

Phoenix befriending Bokeh the dog.

After this trip, Phoenix’ favorite animal sound is WOOF!

First time playing on a playground and he took to it like a fish to water!

Phoenix making friends with Annabelle, my friend’s almost-two year old.
And in Naples, he got to spend five nights with Nanette’s 20-month old, Teddy. I think they are best friends in the making, seriously. Phoenix watched Teddy like a hawk, mostly because he could walk and do a bunch of other things Phoenix can’t yet do. (To be fair, Teddy watched Phoenix pooping in a potty like a hawk, so I guess they’re even!). They played in water buckets together, went swimming, stole each other’s toys. Teddy fed Phoenix snacks, and Phoenix finally started taking an active interest in walking practice.
What was even more great was putting the boys in the bath together. Nanette and I have baby photos of us taking baths together, so I cannot express how special it was to do the same with our own babies.

Phoenix and Teddy, the makings of a best-friendship!

Water play – Phoenix’ new favorite activity!

Teddy pulled up those chairs so we could all comfortably watch Phoenix potty. How thoughtful!

My fave moment every – bath time with our boys (something their mamas used to do together as babes!)
This trip was special for me in so many ways. I got to return to Vero Beach, a place which holds so many childhood memories for me. I got to connect with family and reconnect with long-lost friends. This is something I miss in my overland life – connecting with special people – so our road trip to Florida filled my heart with a lot of love.
So, I guess the challenges of traveling with a toddler were worth it for me (I can’t speak for Bruno, who still looks exhausted, haha!). We might not plan such an ambitious trip again anytime in the near future, but the one that we just completed will go down in the books as a total success!

A lovely visit to Vero Beach with my aunt Louise.

8 years in the making – girls’ night with my high school bestie, Lizzy!

A visit with good family friends and a new addition to their family!

And a meetup with my cousin and her new pup!

Childhood Besties Bandits (actually, we were making homemade sunscreen!)
Louise - Very nice all around. I especially enjoyed the images of Phoenix with the other kiddies!
Brittany - It was sooooo adorable to see him with the other kids. Hope we will have a chance to do more toddler socializing in the near future because Phoenix seems to love it!
Nicole - Sounds like you had a very successful time in Florida! It was so lovely to have the chance to catch up with you, Bruno and Phoenix! Auguste and I (and the rest of the fam) can’t wait to see you all again this summer at the beach back home! Safe travels!
Brittany - It was so nice to get to see you, too, Nic! Thank you all for the warm welcome, yummy food, and chance to see your adorably baby boy! Counting down the weeks until summer in NB, woot woot! 🙂
Elizabeth S - So much joy in the recounting of your visits and such fun for me to read. I love everyone you saw and therefore understand completely how fulfilling your trip was. I couldn’t be happier for you. Thanks for sharing:)
Brittany - Wish you had been there – you would have so loved to see Phoenix interact with all the new people (and dogs) he met. What a trip!