Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

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  • Welcome to Wandering Footsteps, the travel journal of a nomadic family on an overland trip around the world. With thirty years of travel experience, a round-the-world trip already under our belt, a newly-converted bus, and a new baby in tow, this journey is bound to be interesting! Join us in our global wanderings - we've saved an extra seat just for you!

    - Brittany, Bruno, and Phoenix

Back in 2005, when my blog was created, Wandering Footsteps charted the travels and adventures of one Canadian girl. In 2012, Wandering Footsteps became a blog of two, for I had teamed up with a wild, passionate, Petit-prince-loving Frenchman for an overland trip around the world. And now, in 2018, Wandering Footsteps goes from two to three. Baby Nomad has arrived, folks! And we are so excited to introduce him to you!

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  • Darby - Oh my God! How much adorable can this baby get? Great post! He sees to be having the time of his life and he’s just getting started!ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - Thank you Darby – we think he’s pretty cute, too! A few months in, we are having even MORE fun! We are in France now, but soon we will move into our bus… hope the fun will continue for many years to come!ReplyCancel

  • Francine Landry - “Les voyages forment la jeunesse”. Proverbe français.

    Phoenix aura une formation hors-pair et exceptionnelle!

    Toutes nos félicitations!ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - J’adore ce proverbe, et nous sommes tout a fait d’accord!

      Merci infiniment pour vos souhaits!ReplyCancel

  • Louise Jones-Takata - A very very nice first blog in this new Volume. It is certainly not a chapter!
    I am thrilled for the three of you.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - You are right – a volume it is!! Much love to you, and we look forward to hopefully introducing you to Phoenix this June!ReplyCancel

  • Nikos&Georgia - Congratulations guys. We are so happy & proud for you! Hope & wish you will have a thriving journey as a family of 3!!!!!! Vamos Vamos Vamos.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - Thank you, friends! We are enjoying nesting right now as we get to know Phoenix, but we cannot WAIT to show him the road!

      Time for you guys to do the same, eh? 🙂 Make a girl, though, so she can be Phoenix’ future wandering girlfriend!ReplyCancel

  • rcs - A handsome little guy…reminds me of his grand-father!!! No bias here…lol.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - You mean Pierrot??!!!??? Hee hee!

      – BrunoReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth S - Couldn’t be happier for you! We cherish every minute we get to spend with our first grandchild. Yes, the last photo captures Phoenix’ classic look as we have already seen it many times. Other than that, he looks like mini-Bruno.
    Phoenix is so fortunate to be your son and, as such, will get to experience many fascinating discoveries and adventures on the road. And we also can’t wait to read about them!


    • Brittany - Phoenix is lucky to have a grand-maman like you! Looking forward to many more visits and much more beloved time spent together.ReplyCancel

  • Jan Miller - Felicitations a toute la famille! JanReplyCancel

    • Brittany - Merci, Jan! Nous sommes tres heureux et excites de partager notre style de vie avec notre cher enfant! 🙂ReplyCancel

The maternity photos are taken, the meals are prepped, the bus is ready(ish). Baby’s belongings have been purchased, we’ve learned and researched as much post-partum info as possible, and we’re settled into nesting mode. I’d say we’re about ready for baby to arrive! Now we just have to wait and wonder when that day will be! (Due date is today, but this post was written three weeks earlier…!)

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  • Elizabeth S - While I may be a teeny-weeny bit biased, I love all your blog posts. This one really captures all the the preparations you both lovingly did to prepare for baby. Bruno’s creativity and problem-solving skills as well as your organizational skills and focus are impressive. The maternity photos are both touching and simply gorgeous.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - Thank you! It was a great two-months of nesting and preparing, and we are so fortunate to have stumbled upon the comfortable home we’ve been able to rent.

      And we love the maternity shots too! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • RCS - Haha…I know how this story ends…and I’m dying to mansplain the rest…but will let you have that fun.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - Way to use your new vocabulary word! You won’t have to wait much longer, and I’ll womansplain it myself! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Molly McCarron - Congrats guys! I can’t wait for the next photo shoot-with baby!ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - Thanks, Molly! Soon, for sure – I’ll have a 9not so surprising) surprise to share! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Lisa Sharples - I read this wonderful blog as i’m sitting in the condo on the beach in Acapulco. Each one of your posts draws me in and I feel like i’m there with the two of you…You did so much preparing for the baby’s arrival which is so impressive and very smart on your part. David and I thought that we would have time after the babies were born…haha…you can imagine our shock when we didn’t have time to do anything but take care of the babies.
    I love how positive and happy you seem during this nesting transition. As they say…ignorance is bliss. lol
    Sending you love from Acapulco…love the three of you!
    Lisa xoxoxoxReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - Thank you for your kind words and emails, Lisa! Nesting was fun – and I’m so grateful for a freezer full of food! How you ever managed twins is beyond me – but kudos to you and David! Much love to you both and enjoy your month in Mexico!ReplyCancel

We’re waiting for a baby, so are “house-bound” again, this time in Bayfield, Nova Scotia, Canada. Between the great relationship we have with our midwives, the yoga studio down the road, and the absolute comfort of our rental house, it seems we made the right call in settling ourselves in Nova Scotia for the winter. Now all we need to do is wait for baby to arrive!

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  • Cori - So glad to hear you found a cozy spot to wait! We met a while back, I showed you two places (that were waaay too big haha) out near Jimtown. I know the miswives here will take good care of you, they are both gems. best wishes!ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - Of COURSE we remember you – it was such a coincidence to meet a doula while we were on our rental home search! We are happy to have found a home that has worked out so well for us – it was definitely the right call for us! Hope all is well in Jimtown, and stay tuned on the blog because we have a (not so surprising) surprise to announce soon!ReplyCancel

  • Freya Gnerre - Dear Brittany and Bruno,
    Your “waiting” home is beautiful and so cozy! I can’t wait to hear about the big day when the little one arrives. I’ll be watching for the notification. Stay well and warm!
    Much love, FreyaReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - Notification coming soon, heheh!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Micheline Grosjean - On dirait que vous habitez dans “la petite maison dans la prairie” j’aurais presque envie d’être le gentil voisin barbu avec sa chemise à carreaux qui vient boire l’apero…. En attendant l’arrivée de bb.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - Qu’on est bien ici! Fin, on serait mieux dans le bus au mexique, bien sur, mais meme Bruno est confortable dans cette maison – alors ca te dis bien quelque chose!!! Gros bisous!ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth S - You and Bruno were so fortunate to find this charming home; it truly was meant to be. Dad and I really enjoyed our stay there as your guests!ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - And, just like dad, we enjoy this house more and more each day. Everything really fell into place, didn’t it? That’s how I know it was all meant to be.ReplyCancel

  • RCS - Ahh…so lovely and charming…a great temporary living place…and the perfect place to “nest” while you and Bruno wait for what is coming.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - And a perfect place to nest WITH the package, too!!ReplyCancel

2017 was a year of great change. A new home-on-wheels, a new baby growing in my tummy… this past year has set the stage for an amazing and exciting 2018! Read on to recap some of the highlights and challenges of 2017. Happy New Year, everyone!

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  • rcs - A great summary of the past year…made me recollect our part in it. So much to look forward to in 2018.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - You certainly played a big part in our past year – as you will in the one we have recently begun! So many more memories to share!ReplyCancel

My blog hasn’t been very active these past few months. In fact, four months ago, I announced that I’d be taking a semi-break from Wandering Footsteps. I’d post our summer and fall adventures at a more leisurely pace so that we could focus on family, relaxation and our bus renovations. That was only half-true.

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  • Francine Landry - Hi Brittany,

    Hope Bruno is not finding one of the coldest winter we ever had too difficult to adapt to.

    Your rented house looks charming and will be a nice cosy place to welcome your baby.

    Wishing you all the best in 2018 and a wonderful life as a mother.ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - Thank you, Francine! Bruno is dealing surprisingly well with the cold – maybe because our little rental home is just so darn cute! Thank you for the wishes!ReplyCancel

  • Louise & Christophe Surette - FÉLICITATIONS! Un nouveau chapitre dans votre vie! ENJOY every minute!!ReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - Merci! On a une petite nouvelle a annoncer bientot! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Freya Gnerre - Dear Brittany and Bruno, I’m so excited for you and anxiously await Feb. 3rd. And, I do hope when you come down the East Coast that I will see you and meet the new addition Enjoy the holidays and have a very happy, healthy New Year. Much love, FreyaReplyCancel

    • Brittany Caumette - We won’t come into NYC but will definitely be in the area, so let’s try to connect for sure!ReplyCancel

  • Jan Miller - Felicitations et meilleurs vœux pour Noel et la Nouvelle Année, surtout pour février, mois du grand événement!


    • Brittany - Merci, Jan, et bravo avec ton francais!ReplyCancel

  • Carmen LeBlanc - You might not remember me but I sang in the choir with you this semester. I just found your blog (got the link from your mom) and I’m so excited to read all about your travels and your life! I also added you on Facebook, was hoping to get together and chat sometime as my boyfriend and I are planning a trip to in Africa. It would be so great to hear about different places from someone who has travelled there – extensively apparently! Also can’t wait to read about your adventures as a new mom!ReplyCancel

    • Brittany - Hi Carmen, thanks a bunch for saying hi on my little blog! 🙂 Of course I remember you, although I guess we didn’t chat too much! Too bad, because I would have LOVED to share some Africa stories and tips! I’m not going to be around Moncton much anymore (apart from Xmas) so face-to-face chatting might be tough, but I would love to connect via FB or email. I’ll send you a little FB note now. 🙂ReplyCancel