Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

All Alone

Today I came home for lunch and had to heat it up myself. How different lunchtime at the Acharyas has become since I first arrived.
No, it’s not because the family is neglecting me. They still treat me wonderfully and they still wait on me head over heel (which is actually a little embarrassing sometimes).
It’s just because no one is home.
Ama is still in the village. She’s been there for over a week, but her husband is sick and there is work to do in the village, so she has extended her trip. I personally don’t think we’re going to see her for a while.
Aartee (the 13 year old) never comes home for lunch because she’s in school. But Jyoti, her sister, comes home. We miss each other by 10 minutes, though. By the time I arrive home for lunch she has already left.
Thulo Baujou (big sister-in-law) used to come home by noon, but has signed up for an extra class at school so she doesn’t come home until 2pm.Dada (my brother) comes home for lunch sporatically and randomly. I seldom see him.
The big one that is missing at home for lunch is sano baujou (little sister-in-law), my brother’s wife. She works for the UN and was promoted to a 9-5 job this week (rather than shift work) so she no longer comes home for lunch.
So it’s just me and Gita, the helper girl who doesn’t speak any English or know how to cook…
Oh well, I’m not really complaining. I just think it’s funny how 2 weeks ago, lunch was a big family affair, but how slowly people started dropping off like flies. Every one is living their own lives. Maybe I’ll eat lunch at school tomorrow!