Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

Aram (rest)

Sorry I haven’t written much lately – it’s been a busy week here in Kathmandu. I haven’t exactly “accomplished” anything, per se, but I’m enjoying myself. I’ve done a little book shopping and managed to find a few stores with a great selection of English books. I visited Muna’s family a few days ago and a nice afternoon catching up with them. Yesterday I visited different religious sites in Kathmandu. But other than that, I’ve simply been spending time relaxing, visiting old friends, and making new ones. It’s nice because I’ve met some nice shopkeepers close to where I live, so if I have nothing to do I can easily spend a few hours visiting each of them. Two days ago, I woke up in the morning, went downstairs and spent 30 minutes talking to the hotel employees. Then I went to the shop where I make phone calls and use the internet and drank tea with the two employees. Then I went and visited a shopkeeper that I’d met with Muna and drank tea spoke french with him for an hour (he’s been learning French at the Alliance Francais for quite a few years). After, I went to visit two other employees of a clothing shop that are quite nice. We, again, chatted and drank tea.
This might seem boring to many of you, but I find it a great way to spend an afternoon. It gives me a chance to practice my Nepali and makes me feel a little closer to the culture.
So, all in all things are well here. Today I am meeting a friend to do some shopping. My main goal of the day, though, is to buy a map of Kathmandu….Gosh, I love it when THAT is my main goal!!