Wandering Footsteps: Wandering the World One Step at a Time » A travel journal following a family on their overland trip around the world.

RNAC – Really Not a Company

I wrote this blog entry a few days ago, but wasn’t able to post it until now.

RNAC technically stands for Royal Nepal Airline Corporation, but lately it hasn’t been acting like it. It’s a small airline with only two internationally-bound airplanes, and it doesn’t have the reputation for being the most reliable. But the events of the past week are a little over the top, even for RNAC.
Both their international planes were grounded for a week for mechanical repairs. This meant that they had to postpone all their flights. Most other airlines would transfer their passengers to other airlines so that they can get to their destinations on time. But RNAC didn’t do that, for whatever reason. They just made all of us wait.
I was supposed to fly to Thailand on Monday, May 7th. But when I called to confirm my flight, I was told that there was no way I would be flying on Monday. I went into the office and received a hotel and meal voucher and changed the date of my flight to May 9th.
Over the next two days, I kept hearing rumors about RNAC. Some people would say that one plane was working, some that neither were. And the RNAC employees themselves weren’t giving anything away. Every day I would call them, trying to get a straight answer as to the situation. Each time I would get an aswer ranging from the optomistic, “No problem”, to the more concerning, “No comment”.
I wasn’t terribly upset about the situation, but I imagine that many were. What about those who had jobs to go back to, or tight schedules to follow? I find it very strange that the airline wasn’t transfering people’s tickets to other airlines in order to accomodate their needs.
Is RNAC a real airline?
I’m not so sure.